Section Second Featured Product
For showing section second featured products on home page use below code first of all you add the woocommerce plugin and then add the shortcode for featured products
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[products_slider slide_to_show="4" limit="12" column="4" dots="false" slide_to_scroll="1" autoplay="true" autoplay_speed="5000"
Section Third Our Services Why Health Guide
For showing section third our services why health guide on home page use below code
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[services image="" title="Vitamins Tab" link="#"
]Fusce luctus pharetra sapien sit amet semper. Cras eget pellentesque neque, viverra imperdiet ipetur risus.[/services
][services image="" title="Healthy Diets" link="#"
]Fusce luctus pharetra sapien sit amet semper. Cras eget pellentesque neque, viverra imperdiet ipetur risus.[/services
][services image="" title="Exercise Daily" link="#"
]Fusce luctus pharetra sapien sit amet semper. Cras eget pellentesque neque, viverra imperdiet ipetur risus.[/services
][services image="" title="Avoid Junk Food" link="#"
]Fusce luctus pharetra sapien sit amet semper. Cras eget pellentesque neque, viverra imperdiet ipetur risus.[/services
][services image="" title="Nutrition Strategies" link="#"
]Fusce luctus pharetra sapien sit amet semper. Cras eget pellentesque neque, viverra imperdiet ipetur risus.[/services
][services image="" title="Personal Coaching" link="#"
]Fusce luctus pharetra sapien sit amet semper. Cras eget pellentesque neque, viverra imperdiet ipetur risus.[/services
][services image="" title="Individual Support" link="#"
]Fusce luctus pharetra sapien sit amet semper. Cras eget pellentesque neque, viverra imperdiet ipetur risus.[/services
][services image="" title="Physical Activities" link="#"
]Fusce luctus pharetra sapien sit amet semper. Cras eget pellentesque neque, viverra imperdiet ipetur risus.[/services
Section Fifth Photo Gallery
For showing section fifth photo gallery on home page use below code
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[photogallery filter="false/true" show="8"
][photo-gallery type="grid" category="category slug name here" column="2"
][photo-gallery type="grid" category="category slug name here" column="3"
][photo-gallery type="grid" category="category slug name here" column="4"
][photo-gallery type="grid" category="category slug name here" column="5"
][photo-gallery type="slider" category="Add category slug here"
Section Sixth Our Team Advisor
For showing section sixth our team advisor on home page use below code
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[our-team show="4"
Section Seventh Counter Our Company In Numbers

Years of Experience

Workout Sesisons

Happy Customers

Days of Programs
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[counter image="" value="10" title="Years of Experience"
][counter image="" value="200" title="Workout Sesisons"
][counter image="" value="1230" title="Happy Customers"
][counter image="" value="360" title="Days of Programs" last="yes"
Section Eighth Video Gallery
A Natural way of improving your health.
Health Coach look at exercise, eating, wellness and food not just as calories and weight loss, but also emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual terms. An Integrative with Nutrition Health Coach who’s providing services in area.
Create Your Healthier Lives
Health Coach look at exercise, eating, wellness and food not just as calories and weight loss, but also emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual terms. An Integrative with Nutrition Health Coach who’s providing services in area.
Healthy and Delicious Recipes
Health Coach look at exercise, eating, wellness and food not just as calories and weight loss, but also emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual terms. An Integrative with Nutrition Health Coach who’s providing services in area.
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[column_content type="one_half"
][accordion_content title="A Natural way of improving your health."
]<img class="alignleft" src=""
>Health Coach look at exercise, eating, wellness and food not just as calories and weight loss, but also emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual terms. An Integrative with Nutrition Health Coach who’s providing services in area.[/accordion_content
][accordion_content title="Create Your Healthier Lives"
]<img class="alignright" src=""
>Health Coach look at exercise, eating, wellness and food not just as calories and weight loss, but also emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual terms. An Integrative with Nutrition Health Coach who’s providing services in area.[/accordion_content
][accordion_content title="Healthy and Delicious Recipes"
]<img class="alignleft" src=""
>Health Coach look at exercise, eating, wellness and food not just as calories and weight loss, but also emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual terms. An Integrative with Nutrition Health Coach who’s providing services in area.[/accordion_content
][column_content type="one_half_last"
][video-gal-item video_link=""
][video-gal-item video_link=""
][video-gal-item video_link=""
Section Nineth Testimonials
For showing Our Client Say Testimonials on home page use below code
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All Testimonials Listing
I am following a diet for sports from the past 4 months. I was lacking the stamina and was getting tired early. But now, I feel more energetic with my new sports nutrition plan…
Diet advised is very healthy & also easy to follow. Their expert knowledge with their friendly nature earned my trust. Not only has my skin improved but I also managed to lose weight. Many…
I have lost the weight I struggled with, I feel fitter and I am getting the right fuel for my body every day. Your team personalized nutrition plan help me improve my daily diet…
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[testimonials-listing show="4"
Sidebar Testimonials Rotator
I am following a diet for sports from the past 4 months. I was lacking the stamina and was getting tired early. But now, I feel more energetic with my new sports nutrition plan…
Sarah Brown .....Diet advised is very healthy & also easy to follow. Their expert knowledge with their friendly nature earned my trust. Not only has my skin improved but I also managed to lose weight. Many…
Jonathan Doe .....I have lost the weight I struggled with, I feel fitter and I am getting the right fuel for my body every day. Your team personalized nutrition plan help me improve my daily diet…
Martina Doe .....Get The Code
Section Tenth Articles & Posts

How To Better Prepare
Vestibulum feugiat metus at dolor facilisis bibendum. Sed blandit lobortis sollicitudin. Vivamus auctor, nisl…
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Blueberry In Clear Drinking
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum…
Read More
The Best Diet For Fitness
Vestibulum consequat, mi vel sollicitudin consectetur, massa enim ultrices tellus, et luctus est tortor…
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[latest-news showposts="3"
Section Eleventh Our Plans & Price
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[pricing_table columns="3"
] [price_column highlight="no"
] [price_header bgcolor="#2a2a2a"
] [price_row
>15.99 <i class="fal fa-dollar-sign"
> / Per Month</span
] [price_row
]With 7 Days Free Trial[/price_row
] [price_row
]24 H support[/price_row
] [price_row
]Bussiness Anaylising[/price_row
] [price_row
]Custom Managements[/price_row
] [price_row
]Complete Documentation[/price_row
] [price_row
]Working Materials Formate[/price_row
] [price_footer link="#1"
]Buy Basic[/price_footer
] [/price_column
][price_column highlight="yes"
] [price_header bgcolor="#30b067"
] [price_row
>15.99 <i class="fal fa-dollar-sign"
> / Per Month</span
] [price_row
]With 7 Days Free Trial[/price_row
] [price_row
]24 H support[/price_row
] [price_row
]Bussiness Anaylising[/price_row
] [price_row
]Custom Managements[/price_row
] [price_row
]Complete Documentation[/price_row
] [price_row
]Working Materials Formate[/price_row
] [price_footer link="#2"
]Buy Advance[/price_footer
] [/price_column
][price_column highlight="no"
] [price_header bgcolor="#2a2a2a"
] [price_row
>15.99 <i class="fal fa-dollar-sign"
> / Per Month</span
] [price_row
]With 7 Days Free Trial[/price_row
] [price_row
]24 H support[/price_row
] [price_row
]Bussiness Anaylising[/price_row
] [price_row
]Custom Managements[/price_row
] [price_row
]Complete Documentation[/price_row
] [price_row
]Working Materials Formate[/price_row
] [price_footer link="#3"
]Buy Standard[/price_footer
] [/price_column
] [/pricing_table
Section Twelth Newsletter Sign Up
For showing section twelve Newsletter Sign Up on home page use below code
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[newsletter_text title="Newsletter Sign Up"
]pretium sed. Nunc eu placerat dui. Fusce luctus pharetra sapien sit amet semper. [/newsletter_text
][contact-form-7 id="136" title="Newsletter"
Skill Bar
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[skill title="Healthy Diets" percent="90" bgcolor="#30b067"
][skill title="Exercise Daily" percent="70" bgcolor="#30b067"
][skill title="Nutrition Strategies" percent="100" bgcolor="#30b067"
][skill title="Individual Support" percent="75" bgcolor="#30b067"
][skill title="Personal Coaching" percent="75" bgcolor="#30b067"
Accordion Tab
Surveillance Scam Kit1
In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Sed mattis porta diam, eu cursus augue dignissim sit amet. Nullam a libero id mi faucibus viverra eu vel erat. Pellentesque ornare gravida metus sed pulvinar. Suspendisse quis arcu volutpat, pellentesque ex id, mattis erat. Suspendisse at lectus ligula.
CCTV Design House
In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Sed mattis porta diam, eu cursus augue dignissim sit amet. Nullam a libero id mi faucibus viverra eu vel erat. Pellentesque ornare gravida metus sed pulvinar. Suspendisse quis arcu volutpat, pellentesque ex id, mattis erat. Suspendisse at lectus ligula.
Antenna Tagging System
In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Sed mattis porta diam, eu cursus augue dignissim sit amet. Nullam a libero id mi faucibus viverra eu vel erat. Pellentesque ornare gravida metus sed pulvinar. Suspendisse quis arcu volutpat, pellentesque ex id, mattis erat. Suspendisse at lectus ligula.
Get The Code Accordion Tab
][accordion_content title="Surveillance Scam Kit1"
]In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo.[/accordion_content
][accordion_content title="CCTV Design House"
]In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo.[/accordion_content
][accordion_content title="Antenna Tagging System"
]In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo.[/accordion_content
Toggle Content
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[toggle_content title="Toggle Title 1"
]Toggle content 1...[/toggle_content
][toggle_content title="Toggle Title 2"
]Toggle content 2...[/toggle_content
][toggle_content title="Toggle Title 3"
]Toggle content 3...[/toggle_content
Get The Code Tabs
][tab title="TAB TITLE 1"
][tab title="TAB TITLE 2"
][tab title="TAB TITLE 3"
Miscellaneous Shortcode
2 Column Shortcode
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]Column 1 Content goes here...[/column_content
][column_content type="one_half_last" subcls="Add sub class here"
]Column 2 Content goes here...[/column_content
3 Column Shortcode
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[column_content type="one_third" subcls="Add sub class here"
]Column 1 Content goes here...[/column_content
][column_content type="one_third" subcls="Add sub class here"
]Column 2 Content goes here...[/column_content
][column_content type="one_third_last" subcls="Add sub class here"
]Column 3 Content goes here...[/column_content
4 Column Content
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]Column 1 Content goes here...[/column_content
][column_content type="one_fourth" subcls="Add sub class here"
]Column 2 Content goes here...[/column_content
][column_content type="one_fourth" subcls="Add sub class here"
]Column 3 Content goes here...[/column_content
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]Column 4 Content goes here...[/column_content
5 Column Content
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]Column 1 Content goes here...[/column_content
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]Column 3 Content goes here...[/column_content
][column_content type="one_fifth" subcls="Add sub class here"
]Column 4 Content goes here...[/column_content
][column_content type="one_fifth_last" subcls="Add sub class here"
]Column 5 Content goes here...[/column_content
Social Icon
( Note: More social icons can be found at: The Code
][social icon="facebook-f" link="#"
][social icon="twitter" link="#"
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][social icon="linkedin-in" link="#"
][social icon="pinterest-p" link="#"
][social icon="youtube-square" link="#"
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus felis nunc, bibendum non ultrices quis, ornare quis ligula.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus felis nunc, bibendum non ultrices quis, ornare quis ligula.
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[blockquote align="left/right"
] Your quote text... [/blockquote
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus felis nunc, bibendum non ultrices quis, ornare quis ligula. Integer vehicula tristique mi nec sagittis. Praesent eleifend, leo in pretium eleifend, turpis lorem pulvinar dolor, et tincidunt quam ex et eros. Proin a lacus erat. Sed vehicula, nibh et hendrerit facilisis, turpis dui sodales mauris, ut auctor lacus nisl at quam.
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List Style
( Note: You can choose style from list-1 to list-10)
List Style 1
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- List style 1
- List style 1
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[unordered_list style="list-1"
>List style 1</li
>List style 1</li
>List style 1</li
List style 2
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- List style 2
- List style 2
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[unordered_list style="list-2"
>List style 2</li
>List style 2</li
>List style 2</li
List style 3
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- List style 3
- List style 3
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[unordered_list style="list-3"
>List style 3</li
>List style 3</li
>List style 3</li
List style 4
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[unordered_list style="list-4"
>List style 4</li
>List style 4</li
>List style 4</li
List style 5
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[unordered_list style="list-5"
>List style 5</li
>List style 5</li
>List style 5</li
List style 6
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- List style 6
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[unordered_list style="list-6"
>List style 6</li
>List style 6</li
>List style 6</li
List style 7
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[unordered_list style="list-7"
>List style 7</li
>List style 7</li
>List style 7</li
List style 8
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- List style 8
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[unordered_list style="list-8"
>List style 8</li
>List style 8</li
>List style 8</li
List style 9
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- List style 9
- List style 9
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[unordered_list style="list-9"
>List style 9</li
>List style 9</li
>List style 9</li
List style 10
- List style 10
- List style 10
- List style 10
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[unordered_list style="list-10"
>List style 10</li
>List style 10</li
>List style 10</li
Alert Boxes
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[message type="success"
]This is a sample of the 'success' style message box shortcode. To use this style use the following shortcode[/message
] [message type="error"
]This is a sample of the 'error' style message box shortcode. To use this style use the following shortcode.[/message
] [message type="warning"
]This is a sample of the 'warning' style message box shortcode. To use this style use the following shortcode.[/message
] [message type="info"
]This is a sample of the 'info' style message box shortcode. To use this style use the following shortcode.[/message
] [message type="about"
]This is a sample of the 'about' style message box shortcode. To use this style use the following shortcode.[/message
Gradient Button
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[gradient_button size="small/medium/large/x-large" bg_color="#e00" color="#fff" text="Medium Gradient Button" title="Medium Gradient Button" url="" position="left"
Simple Button
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[simple_button size="small/medium/large/x-large" bg_color="#e00" color="#fff" text="Medium Simple Button" title="Medium Gradient Button" url="" position="left"
Round Button
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[round_button style="light" text="Round Button" title="Round Button" url="" position="left"
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[round_button style="dark" text="Round Button" title="Round Button" url="" position="left"